Secretary General of PT Charoen Phokpand, Andi Magdalena Siari, and Senior Vice President, Mr. Cristian Tiono, visited the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University on January 11, 2024, to discuss the continuation of the construction of the second Closed House for broiler at the Faculty of Animal Science area.
During the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Syahdar Baba, said that the existence of the first Closed House (CH) which was built with the assistance of PT Charoen Phokpand, plays a very important role in the learning process. Since operating in March 2018, the 1st CH has been used by more than hundreds of students, for field practice, research, and independent internships by the community who come to get knowledge and experience before building their own CH. In 2023, apart from providing academic benefits, this CH also provided revenue from the activity of raising broiler chicken (IDR 1,062 billion) that was deposited directly to the rector’s account and used to support the faculty activities. Providing information during the meeting, the Dean promoted that the 2nd CH has been initiated and for the continuation of the construction process, collaboration with key stakeholders is important.
The results of the discussion agreed on the finalization of the 2nd CH construction in collaboration with PT CPI. The construction process is estimated to be completed in March 2024. After that, the Faculty of Animal Science will operate two closed-house facilities for more than 40,000 broiler chickens per period.
The impact of this collaboration on learning and research is expected to be greater, which in turn will increase income and support the operationalization of education at the Faculty of Animal Science.