a Brief History of
the Faculty of Animal Science

The Faculty of Animal Science was established on May 1, 1964. At that time, after going through a study based on the potential and needs of the South Sulawesi region in the field of animal husbandry, the community and local government were sponsored by the South Sulawesi Provincial Animal Science Inspection Office assisted by heads of offices of The Livestock Environment in 1963 and formed by a Committee founding of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FKHP) chaired by Mr. Syamsuddin Dg. Mangawing with its members Mr. A. Pangerang Petta Rani, drh. Achmad Dahlan and drh. Muhammad Gaus Siregar.

At that time (FKHP) was still in a private sector, and had started lectures on October 10, 1963 with teaching staff from Hasanuddin University, Veterinary Services, and other agencies that had to do with the implementation of education in FKHP. On May 1, 1964, FKHP obtained state status and integrated into Hasanuddin University under the name Faculty of Animal Science based on the Ministerial Decree No: 37/1964 dated May 4, 1964. However, Veterinary Medicine cannot be continued due to limited facilities. Initially, the 9th Faculty of Hasanuddin University only recorded 4 teaching staff, namely: Drh. Waskita Wirija Miharja, Drh. F.P. Sumbung, Drh. Linggodjiwo and A. Baso Rustam Ronda, B.Agr.Sc with 79 students.
In 1977, based on Rector’s Decree no. 1542/1977 dated 4 August 1977, the Faculty of Animal Science was united with the Faculty of Agriculture under the name of the Faculty of Agriculture Science.

On October 1, 1982 the Faculty of Animal Science operated on its own. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 154/1983 dated May 5, 1983, the Faculty of Animal Science added a Department, namely the Department of Fisheries. Then, in the Minister of Republic of Indonesia Decree and Ministerial Decree No. 056/0/1983 on December 8, 1983, the Faculty of Animal Science consisted of 4 departments namely Animal Production, Animal Nutrition and Food, Fisheries and Socio-Economic of Animal Husbandry.

In 1996, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture RI no. 532 / dikti / Kep / 1996 The Fisheries Department became the Faculty of Fisheries so that the Faculty of Animal Science had in three majors. In 2002 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education no. 149 / D / T / 2002 dated January 25, 2002 a Study Program on Animal Science Technology was formed under the Department of Animal Production. on November 29, 2007, a decree of the Director General of Higher Education was issued no. 163 / DIKTI / KEP / 2007 concerning the Arrangement and Codification of Study Programs where the Faculty of Animal Science consisted of 4 Study Programs namely Livestock Production, Animal Nutrition and Food, Animal Science Socio-Economic and Animal Product Technology.

In 2010 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education no. 1451 / D / T / 2010 dated November 29, 2010 The four study programs merged into one study program, the Animal Science Study Program, with the operation permit based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education no. 3137 / D / T / K-N / 2010 dated July 22, 2010.

In its journey the Faculty of Animal Science has reorganized several times to respond to the dynamics of the developments that have taken place. The year 2014 was the fourth year of the Faculty of Animal Science Unhas received S1 students for one study program namely Animal Husbandry Study Program whereas previously there had been four Study Programs (Animal Production, Animal Nutrition and Food, Technology of Animal Products, Social Economics of Animal Husbandry). Besides the Animal Husbandry Study Program, the Faculty of Animal Science also fosters one Study Program for the Masters level, namely Animal Science and Technology Study Program which academic activities have been started since 2010 with the operation permit based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 2332 / D / T / 2009 dated 7 December 2009. The two study programs, S1 and S2 are fully supported by four sections, namely the Animal Production Section, Animal Nutrition and Food Section, Socio-Economic Section, and Animal Product Technology Section. These sections manage several laboratories to support Tridarma activities (education, research and community service). Besides the laboratories on campus, the Faculty of Animal Science is also equipped with a field laboratory in the form of Mini Ranch in Enrekang and Gowa Regencies, as well as the Breeding Center in Maroanging in Enrekang Regency. The Faculty of Animal Science since its establishment until now has produced 4425 alumni who have been spread and employed in various fields of work throughout Indonesia and overseas.